Your mind processes around 400 billion bits of information per second, and with impulses travelling at a speed of up to 100,000 mph it is far more capable than the most powerful computer on the planet.

Take Me to Your Leader!

61% of leaders are initially not trusted. Earning trust is easy – but how do you build trust so you have the opportunity to earn it?

Learn More in our Influential Leadership module.

You and your business are special. Our business is to understand what makes the best individuals and organisations in the world very special. We bring skills and techniques honed in extreme pressure situations and adapt them to suit your high paced world of business.We are a company with staff from backgrounds in the British Intelligence Services, UK Special Forces, business psychology and Fortune 500 companies. We combine our backgrounds with neurological research from the top academic institutions to create a powerful offering that delivers tangible business results.

Company Overview (PDF)